Christopher Guillory

Christopher Guillory
We would like to recognize Christopher Guillory as our October Hero of the Month!
Christopher has served in the military for nearly 24 years and continues to do so, saying he loves his job. Following 15 years on Active Duty in the Army, he transitioned to full time service in the Virginia Army National Guard.
“After spending almost three and a half years away from my family,” Christopher said of being deployed four times, “I know the meaning of sacrifice and appreciate the freedoms we defend daily.”
Now he serves as the Director of Plans, Training, and Security for Fort Barfoot in Virginia.
“I come from a long line of military service, as my dad and three of his brothers also made careers in the military including service during the Vietnam War,” he said, adding, “My grandfather fought courageously in Europe in World War II. I am sure this goes way back for generations, and my kids continue to carry the tradition as two of the three are already serving in the Army as well.”
“I am proud to put on my uniform daily and serve our great nation,” he said.
Thank you for your service, Christopher!